Hey, I'm Richard.
I'm a full stack software developer based in Wales, United Kingdom. I'm passionate about learning new technologies and sharing knowledge with others.
Recent posts
Getting Started with Framer Motion in Next.js Using Tailwind CSS
MDX is a powerful tool that allows you to write JSX in your Markdown files. This post will introduce you to the basics of MDX.
NextjsTailwindCSSFramer Motion2 September 2024
Introduction to NextJs
NextJs is a powerful React framework that makes it easy to build server-rendered React applications. This post will introduce you to the basics of NextJs.
NextjsBeginnerTutorial10 August 2024
Introduction to MDX
MDX is a powerful tool that allows you to write JSX in your Markdown files. This post will introduce you to the basics of MDX.
MDXNextjs8 August 2024
I have worked with some amazing people
“Rich is an excellent and creative web developer. He has extensive knowledge of modern frameworks, such as Next.js, and is quick to learn new frameworks to ensure he can collaborate with other members of a project.”
Christopher Burr@christopherburr“Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum.”
Jospeh Jones@JJones“Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad. Fuga consequuntur asperiores voluptatum ipsum.”
Mes Raymano@MessiRay